Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm encouraged by Eubie...

This is completely unrelated to the youth group/Christianity/etc., but I thought you might enjoy seeing a bit of my work life.

STR Place

I recently heard from Justin Taylor that Stand to Reason (a great apologetics website) has launched STR Place (strplace.org), a site for students.  It has a lot of helpful resources.  Check it out!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

N.D. Wilson on why he writes

I just read an interesting quote from N.D. Wilson, author of the 100 Cupboards series, on why and how he writes.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Douglas Wilson on Twilight

I don't want to come across as "the anti-Twilight guy" (i.e. I don't want to be known just for being against it--there are far more important things around which to define oneself), but I just watched this video and thought it was a good warning:

Ask Doug - What is Wrong With Twilight? from Daniel Foucachon on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How do I know I'm saved?

Some helpful advice
 from J.D. Greear!

100 Cupboards mini-review

I previously mentioned the book 100 Cupboards by N.D. Wilson.  Well, I recently finished it.

It was a good but not mind-blowingly great adventure/fantasy novel.  I might be partly prejudiced against it, though; its reading level put me off at first (the reading level is ages 9-12, according to Amazon).  However, it has some great combinations; it's warm and safe at some moments, it's tense at others, and its writing has some nice spots.  I suspect that the second and third books in this trilogy are better and that the story gets richer, scarier, and more satisfying.


I love it, but I hardly get enough of it!  Anyway, here are a few brief thoughts on it from the Bible.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How to read more/better

Interested in reading more/better?  Trevin Wax has some helpful tips.